Read the text below and choose the one word that best fits the gap. Type your answers in the boxes provided.
These are the three words that tend to come back to haunt the inattentive Christmas shopper when their children rip off the wrapping on Christmas day: batteries not included. That longed after toy has to be back in the box as parents rummage through drawers in the hope that there might be the size of battery somewhere at the back that could fit the empty spaces hidden underneath. Invariably this fruitless search takes some of the shine off the joy despite assurances that batteries will be bought just as soon as the open the next day. It brings one to wonder why manufacturers can’t strike deals with battery manufacturers to avoid this frustrating situation. It’s almost as though they take pride in the fact that customers fail to read the small . Perhaps it is simply a way to give a fictitious impression of a low price because the other thing customers don’t fail to note is expensive the small pieces of compressed electric power are. We are forced to choose between “long lasting”, “extreme lasting” and “virtually never ending” power at ever increasing prices. And beware those of you who think they have found a cheap alternative when your remote control car runs of juice after barely five minutes.